Friday, February 22, 2013

goodbye to the birds

I find it hard to believe that I am carrying a girl child.
Mrs. Mother-to-three-boys is about to add a little pink to her life.

I am going to have a girl!

During the ultra-sound, I was in complete shock.  I am very familiar with little boy ultrasounds... little girl?  Not so much.  Despite the evidence, I am still struggling to believe that a penis won't magically appear in the next four to twenty-four weeks.

Our current house has three bedrooms (including the master bedroom) upstairs and two downstairs.  The boys are obviously not willing to move downstairs because that is "where all the spiders live."  Little baby girl will not be sleeping downstairs either.  So... all three boys will be sharing a room.  Together.  I hope I survive.

I am pretty sure that it will take five months (or more) to tame the spontaneous mid-night parties.  The transition began this week with hope that the excitement will retire before another set of lungs joins the family.

Bed moving, picture hanging, and rearranging the room has sparked the need to nest.  Because... I need to nest... and I need to nest right now.  Nesting is a nine month disease for me.

Insert bird pictures here:

I painted these bird pictures for Caleb when he was in my stomach once upon a time.  The birds were hung above the crib and then retired to the basement when the crib evaporated for a couple of months.

The canvas pictures are cute and Caleb still loves his birds... but they are not macho.  They do not scream big soon-to-be-five-year-old boy with the little bows and the triangle beaks.  The bedroom belonging to the three musketeers needs something a little bit more masculine.

And let's be honest... the pictures are not "pink" enough for my little girl.

Thanks to Mormon Mommy Blogs, one hour photo services by Costco, and a thin layer of mod podge - the birds are now playing an eternal game of hide-n-go-seek.  Transformed to perfect... in my opinion.

And I think they look nice above his slightly chewed on bunk bed and ikea-spice-rack transformed bookshelf.  Hopefully they add a little class to the all-boy-bedroom.

Okay... let's be honest.  The pictures look better without the chewed on bunk bed.  Teething makes kids to crazy things like gnaw on a bunk bed and scream their lungs out at two in the morning.

Nesting project number twelve complete with a billion and five more to go.

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