Monday, April 26, 2010

So When Your Near Me Darling, Can't You See I'm Nesting Now?

I start nesting before that pregnancy test comes back positive.

I get that nesting bug BAD.

The last couple of months have been filled with consistently rearranging the furniture, painting rooms, and cleaning out various cupboards and closets. All I can say is that I married one patient and understanding man... Nate really deserves "Best Husband of the Year" award.

Amongst all of these projects, I still have been resisting my nesting instincts. Now that I am thirty weeks pregnant, I refuse to hold myself back.

Baby clothes, blankets, and burp clothes washed - check
Pack and Play assembled - check
Swing out - check
Baby bath clean and ready - check
Crib bedding washed and ready - check
Infant diapers purchased - check
Frozen meals in the freezer - check

My little helpers have been just as excited about this process as mom. They have become little moms to their "George Babies" by constantly changing diapers,

Colton is going to be very well loved and cared for by his two big brothers :)

Ten more weeks to go.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Estes Park

After a busy week of relocating Nate's business office,
we decided to take a mini-family-day-trip to the mountains.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dishwashers and Keys...

I am a mother of two very particular boys :)

All the doors in our house have to remain shut.

Toys go in a certain location.

Bed covers must lie straight upon the bed.

The list goes on.

Our most recent "obsession" is the dishwasher and the locks upon our doors.

It is impossible for Caleb and Conner to function if the dishwasher tabs are not just like so:

In addition, all of the doors in our house HAVE to remained locked at all times, in all things, and in all places.

My boys actually leave the dinner table to lock the garage door.

Yesterday, I was in the middle of cooking dinner. The stove top was on, I hadn't combed my hair since my afternoon nap, and my makeup was somewhat not all the way there.... you know that after nap look?

Caleb and Conner were painting. Not only was Caleb covered in blue paint, he was snacking on a bowel of blueberries. He was blue from head to toe.

The door bell rang.

A city official was at my door with some questions about where the fence would be placed upon our property.

I told Conner to stay inside.

Barefooted, I picked up a very blue Caleb and stepped outside of the house.

Conner did not listen.

Conner followed me out - barefoot.

But prior to his venture outside of the house, Conner made sure every door was locked.

I think he might of double checked.

So, there I was... locked out of my house.

No shoes, blueberry boy, and a stove top cooking inside.

We found some shoes in the garage. Slippers for mom, shoes that were too small for Conner, and shoes that were too big for Caleb. Sounds like a good match... right?

Did I mention that Caleb is completely covered in blue from head to toe?

Did I mention that my hair is in a sloppy pony tail, my make up is crazy, and I am now wearing a knee-length skirt with slippers?

We walk next door to use the phone. After my fifth call, Nate leaves class to answer the phone. He is at least twenty minutes away.

I decide to take the boys to the park.

The boys are happy as can be. I am trying to have fun... and I am avoiding the thoughts about what I must look like and what my dinner is going to look like by the time I get back into my house again.

Our friends show up at the park. She shares with me her son's determination to dress himself and how embarrassed she is by his ensemble. I start to laugh, envisioning what the three of us must look like to her.

I think she will probably hide a key in her garage too :)

Moral of this story:

  • Always keep a spare key hidden in your garage.
  • I will always "primp" after my naps.
  • Wash all of your dishes at night.
  • All of our shoes will now be kept in the garage... along with some snacks and water.
  • I will turn the stove off before answering the door next time :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Come On In...

If you came to my house today...

You would be greeted by a little boy who would quickly grab your hand and lead you to his bedroom.

Once the two of you reach his bedroom, he would show you his dresser of treasures. A collection that not even you would have his permission to touch.

yes, the clutter is driving me nuts.
yes, I am exerting all of my self-control to not reorganize it.

You might notice that someone is having a hard time keeping their pants up today.

You would find all of our Lego's at the bottom of the stairs.

Sitting on the couch would be somewhat impossible due to the nap the George Babies are currently taking.

And you would eventually be greeted by this little boy who is back in his pajamas again. You might notice his nose is permanently stained orange from his carrot juice this morning... and eventually you might discover similar orange spots in his hair.

Amidst all the clutter and confusion... there is no where else I would rather be.

"I am beginning to learn that it
is the sweet, simple things of life
which are the real ones
after all."
Laura Ingalls Wilder

Sunday, April 11, 2010

To Infinity and Be a Goat

Conner's favorite game is Buzz Lightyear.


The rules to Buzz Lightyear are simple.

1. Stand on the "hot chocolate" table.

2. Spread your arms out wide.

3. Declare in your loud space ranger voice
"To infinity and beyond"
which really sounds like "to infinity and be a goat"

4. Jump onto the couch.

Did I mention that I caught Nate jumping off the table and onto the couch with the boys today?

Boys will be boys.... and Dads will also be boys.

The Boy Bridge Club - No Estrogen Allowed

Today, the Boy Body Bridge Club was formed.  Caleb worked hard to gain his membership.  Sticking your tongue out increases your chances of constructing that perfect body bridge.  Ta Da!
Caleb joined the rank of manhood body bridge building.

2 - 4 - 6 - 8
Who do we appreciate?

Team Awesome!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm a Man!

Tonight Conner became a man.

Conner put these funny glasses on, and magically he became a man.

"Mom... I'm a man!"

Three cheers for Conner's manhood!

Hope you all had a great April Fools Day! I had a bunch of tricks up my sleeves but was otherwise detained from implementing them by my not-feeling-good-today kids and cleaning up after Conner's bloody noses. I seriously think the universe was trying to fool me today... the jokes were one me this year, but next year I will be back!