Thursday, September 13, 2012

primary program make outs

The room is mostly quiet
The children are taking turns standing at the pulpit and speaking
Primary programs are the best.

Sitting in a crowded pew with one child is amazing
Watching your older children is incredible
It was an awesome Sunday.

In the middle of a song with a Caleb who is not singing but giving major thumb ups to the audience
and a Conner on the front row fake frowning and trying to pull the "mom card" with puppy dog faces -
loud smooches echo from the mouth of my two-year-old sitting next to me.

I look down
And witness a CJ enforced Mickey and Minnie make out session
during the primary program.

His fingers carefully move their figures around to
push their mouths and noses together
while his cheeks and tongue squeak to make the perfectly very loud kissing sound.

Quietly, I share a thumb ups with Caleb
wink at Conner
and confiscate Mickey and Minnie.

Although I am pretty happy that my child is interested in romance
between a boy and a girl
figurine make outs do not belong at church.

And now, to my every growing list
of things to not pack for church
I add the figurines.

A list that is becoming quite extensive
thanks to Conner's interest in drawing butts
and CJ's primary program make outs.

I think it is time
for our family to fold our arms
and learn to pay attention.

I just hope
they don't resort
to "pants-ing" one another again.

Wish me luck :)

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