Wednesday, August 1, 2012

becoming yourself

Words can not express how challenging the last couple of months have been,

Believe me,
I've tried.

Entangled in the blues,
life has been extremely hard to tame.
I haven't had the courage to write about it.

For a long time, I have believed that the web is the ideal place to display my victories,
rally up that self-esteem,
and prove to the world that I am "hot stuff."

It began to hurt too much,
to read the victories of others,
and silently wonder what was wrong with me.

Time-outs (at times) are successful.
I said a brief goodbye to facebook, blogger, and pinterest,
hoping to give myself some time to think of what my life is really about. 

In all honesty,
my heart is bursting,
I can not hold it in any longer.

I am broken,
and I can not do it all.

Expressing vulnerabilities is scary,
and simultaneously healing.

Because I need to share,
and I hope that my words,
might help and uplift someone else.

Shedding the need to appear perfect,
is hard and painful,
and amazing.

Finding the courage to trust myself,
is challenging,
and overwhelming.

And that rainbow in the sky?
I think it is finally peaking through the clouds of vulnerability, courage, and hope.

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