Sunday, September 4, 2011

Asking for Help

I have a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to people asking me for help. I am not proud of it, but I do. Why do they need help when I am somehow able to do it on my own? If only they balanced their time more, their commitments, and their obligations - they would not need my help.

But the truth is – I am exhausted, worn out, and empty. Asking for help does not need to be a bad thing – it is good. If I am unable to ask others to help me, is that because I am unable to ask my Savior? Or is the fact that I feel that my Savior does not want to help me the reasoning behind my inability to ask others? What will others think when they learn that I am not all together?

Will others believe that I am less of a mother or person because I am unable to “do it all”? Are dishes in the sink a sign of incompetence?

I don’t think so.

God does not expect perfection. The only perfection possible is when the Savior is in our lives – deeply, fully, and absolutely. The only form of perfection that exists when He is in our lives. Learning to depend on Him is necessary. We can not carry our spiritual, physical, or emotional burdens on our own. We need to cling to him and hold onto His strength to pull us through the trenches, the ups and downs, and the hard times of life.

Balance in life is only found when we crave God more than anything else. When we crave His presence, Spirit, and Charity over material possessions, worldly comforts, and recognition. Striving to put God first in our life and allow His opinion of us to matter more than anything else – provides balance. Put away the list of things that I should do – and start doing the things that I feel inspired to do.

Put away the natural man and accept the peace of God’s love for you. When you allow God’s love to overflow your life, you no longer have to worry about whether or not your effort is enough – when He is by your side, He will always make up the difference. The truth is that I will always fall short… the only way I will ever make it is when I ask for His help.

God will always hear and answer our prayers if we only turn to Him. He is the way, the truth, and the light.

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