Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Cat and the Dog

I have this grand dream that one day I will be a published author.

But let's be honest, I have three boys under the age of five. I am lucky to get a shower every day - let alone write a paragraph or two - and I love that my life is that way. But sometimes I find myself feeling a little sad that I do not have the time to pursue story ideas more intensely or finish that character sketch that was half eaten by the baby.

Conner and I have been working on kindergarten sight words this summer - which has been amazing. He loves it. He is a genius. So the other night I decided to write him his very own book utilizing all of the words he can read with some crazy-mama-can't-draw-illustrations.

Presenting my first children's book. The Cat and the Dog


When I wrote the book - even though there is absolutely no plot - it made me happy. It made me happy to be writing something for my child. It made me happy to be creating something that I knew he would love.



Even though the pictures are insane, he loves the book - and that makes me happy.



Being a published author would be pretty darn awesome.
But today, writing books for my kids [complete pictures of dogs jumping over rainbows] is amazing. I love being a mom.


  1. Ha ha, that's awesome. You're such a good mom! I remember my mom making silly little books for me when I was a kid and guess what... now she IS a published author. You can do it!

    P.S. So glad I found your blog. I'll have fun 'blog stalking' you now! :)

  2. Your first book! I am so proud. I love the pictures! Such a good mom!

  3. That is very cool! You'll have to let Danna borrow that book when you are here.... NEXT WEEK! Miss you, my brother, and your boys, and I know everything is working out how it should.
