Sunday, January 10, 2010

Who Makes the BROWN Rules?

We have had some recent confusion at our house as to who makes the rules. Conner is definitely my boy... which means he likes to boss his younger brother around all the time. Here is a conversation we had tonight:

Me: "Conner, please stop bossing your brother around. You do not make the rules."

Conner: "But Mom, I do make the rules."

Me: "No, Conner you do not make the rules. Mom and Dad make the rules."

Conner: "Well, maybe Conner could make the brown rules? Conner loves brown"

Feel free to contact Conner in regards to Brown rules and their regulations. I am anxious to find out what kind of rules he has brewing in that head of his!

1 comment:

  1. Preston and I LOVED all these blog posts. Did Conner choose this BROWN blog background? That would've been cute! ;)
