Sunday, April 11, 2010

To Infinity and Be a Goat

Conner's favorite game is Buzz Lightyear.


The rules to Buzz Lightyear are simple.

1. Stand on the "hot chocolate" table.

2. Spread your arms out wide.

3. Declare in your loud space ranger voice
"To infinity and beyond"
which really sounds like "to infinity and be a goat"

4. Jump onto the couch.

Did I mention that I caught Nate jumping off the table and onto the couch with the boys today?

Boys will be boys.... and Dads will also be boys.


  1. Hee I think it's adorable! I'd let my kiddos do it too. ;) "hot chocolate" table. Hee That's funny!

  2. AHHHHHHHHHH! They are too tooooo tooo cute
