Sunday, February 1, 2009

Conner is Shaking Hands

Today we were walking the halls during church... a normal occurrence :)

While walking, Conner overheard a man asking another man to shake his hand.

Conner quickly reached his hand up to shake this man's hand. Once he had shaken his hand, he reached for the other hand. Conner then proceeded to shake more hands... he would even grab hands that were hanging down to one's side and begin to shake.

It was fun to watch the smile that would cross Conner's face and the reaction of those he shook hands with. I just love my little toddler... he is such an amazing boy who is so smart and witty :)

Is "shaken" a real word??

-- Be sure to read all four of my posts today :)


  1. Keep on shaking, Conner, Keep on shaking. :-)

  2. He's in training. He may need that talent someday!
