Monday, August 23, 2010

Men Are That They Might Have...

A couple months ago we started memorizing scriptures and quotes with Conner. He loves it. Each time Conner masters a quote/scripture he earns a treat... which is a big deal for our little four year old.

For scripture study this morning we started memorizing 2 Nephi 2:25.

"Men are that they might have joy."

Conner taught our family this morning what true joy is. As he tried to memorize the scripture, he continually replaced his own definition of joy. According to him, men are that we might have:

pee standing
a potty at the office
a bus
... and the list goes on...

The one thing I am pretty sure Conner will never add to that list is naps. I strongly disagree with him... we all know that "men are that we might have naps."

1 comment:

  1. That is so priceless! Girls must be different! When Alexia is praying, she will say "thank you for nap time" and I can't agree more!
