Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The "Stupid" Police

A couple weeks ago, Conner started to use the word "stupid." Confused and baffled, I asked Conner who taught him to say the word "stupid." It couldn't possibly be me... could it?

Conner replied "daddy taught me to say the word "stupid," mom."

Very much relieved, I began a family discussion that night around the dinner table about the word "stupid." It was determined that we would stop using the word "stupid."

That night the "stupid" police was born.
Conner is all ears for that six letter word.

"Mom, we don't say stupid."


"Stupid is not a nice word."


"Do not say that stupid word again, mom"

are all to frequently heard around my house.

I am ashamed.

I had no idea that I had such a "potty mouth."

When was my affinity to the word "stupid" born?

So, while I am busily transforming my potty mouth into
something more decent... my "stupid" policeman is busy sitting
under his umbrella, picking his nose, and ready to
pounce upon that six letter word.

This is the police.
You have the right to remain silent.
Any usage of a six letter word will be held
against you in a court of "stupid" law.

- I am in no way calling my little toddler "stupid." I love him more than I love the word "stupid."
- Stupid Count: 14

1 comment:

  1. Shazer is basically our "butt" police. We don't like him saying butt, so we tell him to say bum or bottom. he's always catching me saying butt and telling me "we say bum or bottom, mommy!" yeah, I didn't realize my potty mouth either! the things we learn about ourselves when we have kids who copy us, huh?
