Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Sunday Brag Session - I Love My Kids :)

I can not believe how quickly our boys are growing up! We have had such a wonderful two weeks celebrating the holidays and spending time together as a family.

This year we enjoyed our first Christmas at our house. We had so much fun! We will be posting pictures soon :).


Conner is just growing up too fast! I love his developing imagination. If you can not tell from the picture above, he has a butter container on his head. One morning he played with all of his cars while wearing his "hat".

Recently, Conner has become our little chatter box. He now says full phrases like "I miss daddy's car" and "Come on Mommy... Come on!" He is so much fun! His favorite book is Goodnight Moon - he loves to say goodnight to each item in the book!

We recently switched Conner to a "Big Boy Bed". He has made this transition very well, and loves sleeping in "his own bed". Each morning he runs to tell us that he slept in his own bed!

Conner now loves to climb. Everything has turned into a jungle gym... which makes me very nervous! He can now climb onto the top of our bathroom vanity, into his highchair, and has almost mastered the baby gate.

We had an intense afternoon a couple days ago when I found Conner playing in butter! He had reached up and grabbed it off of the counter when I was in the other room changing Caleb. When I returned, Conner had smeared butter all over my kitchen floor and was in the process of putting it in between his toes! He definitely keeps me busy!


Caleb is now eating big boy food. He is so excited about eating! Anytime I try to eat something or take a drink, he quickly grabs onto my cup or fork and tries to put it into his mouth! This last week, we decided to introduced solids a little early :). He is our Sweet Potato Monster! He can already eat an entire jar of sweet potatoes in one feeding!

Caleb is also rolling over! Around Thanksgiving, he learned how to roll from his back onto his stomach. He can now roll from his stomach to his back. Caleb has always been a stomach sleeper... the last couple of weeks have been frustrating to all of us now that he can roll from his stomach to his back! He wakes up multiple times at night angry that he is no longer on his stomach :)

Caleb is on the move! He has started to Skoot and Roll in an attempt to get to the items/toys he wishes to check out! He has also been desperately trying to sit up straight... it will not be long before he is sitting on his own!

Caleb is one particular baby. He does not like it when dad coughs and/or sneezes. Each time dad coughs or sneezes, Caleb quickly protests with a scream... poor Nate - he is such a good daddy :)


  1. So cute! Doesn't take them long to figure out how to get exactly what they want. Jaden climbed up onto the toilet and up on the bathroom counter the other day. That's not good! I keep trying to tell him he's not suppose to have figured that out yet, but he doesn't seem to believe me. Sheesh!

  2. Why is it that you can put a hundred toys in front of a baby and they don't even care but as soon as you put your cell phone there they go right for it? :) Your kids are soo cute!

  3. Uh Oh! Here comes more TROUBLE! But he's very CUTE trouble.

    I was just asking Elsie that today... when will she crawl? Then I realized that will only create more fires for this firemom to put out.
