Thursday, September 11, 2008

Poop and Trucks

The two best things in the world for Conner are poop and trucks.

The two most interesting topics of conversation in the world of Conner is also poop and trucks.

This morning, Dad took Conner on a trip to go "fetch" more horse poop for our backyard. I'll have to post an update on our backyard soon :)

On the way to the poop - Conner got to ride in a truck.

When loading the poop - Conner got to ride in a tractor truck.

On the way home with the poop - Conner got to ride in a truck.

When watching the men unload the poop - Conner got to watch the truck.

Basically - I think Conner is going to be talking about this day for weeks to come. Unlike poop and bum - Poop and trucks definitely go together and make our little boy super happy.


  1. I am laughing so hard right now!!!

  2. All you guys and your boys make me laugh. I think my girls need a few days with your boys' trucks and poop and you all need a little teapartying and princessing. Like my made up words. :)
