Friday, March 21, 2008

"Bye Bye Ba-Ba"

Conner has officially given up his bottle.

I have been a little worried the last couple weeks that my toddler still needs his bottle. Some wonderful friends were over a couple weeks ago and they told us that they would make a small cut in the nipple of the bottle to teach their kids that the bottle no longer works. With Conner's recent decision to give up naps -I have been very hesitant to make that cut as bottle time with Elmo is the only break I get every day. Last week, I noticed that Conner had made a hole in the bottle with his teeth - he no longer asks for it or wants it! I try and give it to him and he shakes his head to indicate that he doesn't want it!

What a big boy! We are so proud of all of his big boy decisions.. now if he could only decide that Mom does need to shower every day :)


  1. What a big boy! he is growing so fast! i can't believe you are waiting to be surprised with your baby. I'm not sure i could handle that!

  2. That's amazing! I gave mine up so that I could get my drivers license. My mom said it was like a law or something. Waaaaay to go Conner bob!!
