Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Arrival of Caleb

Caleb arrived safely and triumphant to earth on 8/12/08 at 2:20 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and measured 21 inches, deciding to enter the world "OP" (occiput posterior). He and Mommy are doing extremely well.

When we called Grandma Stewart to notify her of the birth (she was at our home with Conner), she informed us that Conner awoke at 2:20 a.m. calling for "Mommy". She informed Conner that she was giving birth to a baby at the hospital, and Conner said, "Yeah," calmed down, and fell back to sleep.


  1. Congradulations!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! I'm glad you had a boys name picked out too ;-)

  2. Grampy and I (Grammie) are so thrilled for the 3 of you! What a darling baby he is...looking quite a lot like his big brother did the first day...minus all the tubes, IVs and machines, of course! So glad he and Mommy are doing well. Angie looks too beautiful to have just given birth and not having had very much sleep! Love you TONS!

  3. We love the pictures. Congrats Schilaty family. We're excited to meet Caleb!

  4. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! Glad to hear that Angie and Caleb are both doing well. :)

  5. Man oh man! :-) Is it possible to for babies to be that cute? I mean I know babies are cute but that cute? :-) Congrats you guys!!!!!!
    We love you and miss you!

  6. Congratulations!!! He looks so sweet and precious. I'm so glad everything went well.

  7. Hey Schilaty's, Congratulations on your darling baby boy! Big brother Connor is a doll, he looks like Kyle when he was young. We're very happy for you both. Angie, thanks for letting us view your blog. It's so nice to keep in touch with you. Best wishes to your famiy, we love you! David and Jessica Tanner
