With our house on the market and three little boys, life is.... umm...
wow. As much as I hate to admit it, I miss the days my bathrooms smelled like little-boy-I-missed-the-toilet-pee.
I don't really miss that smell at all.
I miss the no-pressure-if-someone-misses-the-toilet-mentality.
Last night I had what I thought to be an ingenious idea. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner prep should be done at night while the boys are sleeping and after the house has been scrubbed clean. Simply genius.
So I cleaned, cooked, and marinated.
I went to bed at 12:30 am. Woke up at six o'clock, put breakfast in the oven, and hoped in the shower. I congratulated myself on the empty sink and dishwasher at 7:30 am.
Sat down to enjoy a rather delicious breakfast. And it was good. The boys all loved it. Clean up was super simple since they ate it all. At nine o'clock we are heading out the door with a makeshift picnic, water bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, and my sunglasses. I was feeling rather prepared and happy that I would be able to keep the house clean all day.
We drive twenty-five minutes to our favorite grocery store. Parking the car, I realize that Mr.Caleb fell asleep. without. a. diaper. on. And I am holding my breathe, desperately hoping that my potty-trained-when-I-am-awake-toddler has not wet his pants. Painfully realizing that I thought to grab my sunglasses instead of extra pants and Shot Spot Carpet Cleaner, I carefully start to unbuckle Caleb's seat belt.
Dang it.
Caleb is cleaned, wearing a diaper, and eating a bagel while I am pacing the parking lot. Just what is a mother to do in such a situation? What would a "good" mom do?
To be honest, I reached an all-time-motherhood-low or an all-time-motherhood-high today.
Thoughts of gas prices, double-ad-Wednesday, and time outweighed my apprehension of what others would think if I took my almost-three-year-old shopping without any pants on.
So we marched into the store and Caleb thoroughly enjoyed himself. Apparently going to the store pant-less is the bomb. (Does anyone still use that phrase?)

I don't know if I was more embarrassed by the fact that Caleb was not wearing pants or the fact that I actually took the camera into the store to take pictures of him not wearing pants.
Moments like this just have to be documented.

Yeah, the boys and I were quite the sight at Sunflower Farmers Market today. One boy without pants, a baby in his pajamas, and my little soccer-cleat-boy. Now let's skip the fact that despite Caleb's pant-less condition we still visited the library and had a picnic on campus with the Nate and met many of his students.
Sigh, at least I got my shopping done.
Fast forward thirty minutes and we are home. Phone messages checked and I am now frantically putting groceries away and touching up the house for a house showing in one hour. Colton is emptying every cupboard/drawer and I am putting store-bought-frozen-cookie-dough in the oven to make the house smell nice.
I clean up Colton's mess and take another deep breath.
I made it. Turning all the house lights on, I go downstairs to be with the older boys who have been told to watch a movie and under no circumstance are they allowed to touch anything.
Wanting to check on the cookies, I walk back upstairs to be greeted by smoke coming from my oven. My sweet smelling cookie dough is masked in the smell of burning. Burning sweet potatoes I come to find out. I had totally forgot about the sweet potatoes I had baked with breakfast to be used at dinner. But now they are not sweet potatoes, they are an explosion within my oven.
Strategically, I clean the oven with my body blocking the baby from touching the oven. Every door and window are opened airing out my house out when the doorbell rings and the realtor walks into my burned-sweet-potato-smelling-house.
At least I made breakfast today?
at-least-I-made-breakfast-berry-french-toast-bake 6-7 slices of bread (gluten free bread is the bomb in the recipe, but any bread will do)
6 eggs
1/2 cup milk (coconut milk is ultra-yummy)
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
1/4-1/2 cup sucanat/sugar
Frozen mixed berries
Mix the milk, eggs, sugar, and cinnamon in a bowl.
Cut bread into little cubes and spread on the bottom of a greased baking dish.
Pour egg mixture over the bread.
Sprinkle berries over bread/egg mixture.
Cover and refrigerate overnight.
When you are ready to eat, preheat the oven to 350 and bake for 35-40 minutes. You could sprinkle it with powder sugar/syrup, but it is really sweet enough on its own.
As a side note, Conner has decided to start preparing the night before as well. He is now wearing a pajama-mommy-shirt over his clothes to bed so that when morning comes all he has to do is remove the shirt and WA-LA you are ready for the day. Pure genius.