My four goals are the following:
1. Try to get a tan.
2. Teach Conner to count to 100.
3. Teach Caleb to pedal on his bike.
4. Help Colton learn to walk.
Fairly simple.
There is this cute little farm within walking distance to our house. It is never crowded, free, and so much fun. It always puts a smile on our face.
The boys and I visit the farm almost every day with Colton in the stroller and the big boys on their bikes. I drill Conner on his numbers, most of the time he ignores me, and I encourage Caleb to try to pedal.
We count the cows.
Identify the different colors of the chickens.
And sometimes if we are really good, or if we happen to show up at the perfect time, we get to help feed the animals. The workers at the farm are simply adorable with my boys and I think Conner even has a crush on the "farm lady."
We feed the chickens bread and greens.
We help fill the cow's water container with a long hose.
We even help feed the horses their hay.
But among all of the fun things to do at the farm, the best part is the pigs. Conner and Caleb could spend an entire week watching the pigs move, roll around in the mud, scratch, eat, and the obvious act of pooping.
When we arrive to the farm, the boys immediately run to the pigs and wait. They wait for the poop to start falling and the pee to start flying. They wait for the pigs to roll in their pee and step in their poop.
And when it happens, they laugh and laugh and laugh. And when the boys are not laughing, they are cheering the pigs on. Get out of his poop, don't drink freckle's pee, and roll in that mud some more blue bum please.
Meanwhile, I stand in the sun wondering how long I am going to stand at the pig's stall watching the poop and pee fall while Colton is screaming because he wants to get down and crawl. So I hold onto his fingertips and we walk around the farm greeting the chickens, the cat, and the grass.
Colton walks and walks. Visits to the farm are improving his balance.
I enjoy the sunlight.
Conner starts counting the poop falling.
And on the way home Caleb decides to start pedaling his bike.
Just maybe watching the pig's poop fall is the perfect summer-time-goal-motivator.
ANG! Girls camp!! I forgot you are camp director also! What are some things you are doing? We should swap ideas!! Call or email me!