I like food.
I love to cook.
And I like to tell stories about my kids and food.
Which is where the food blogging stopped. I felt awkward sharing personal stories about my kids and food on the retired-chiropractor's website and associated content... but I love telling stories about food. I really tried to hold back the details and not share stories about my kids, but then the food blogging interest faded.
Simply stated. I do not food blog any more.
But tonight, I am going to make an exception.
After all, people sometimes do crazy things for cupcakes.
It all started when I asked Mr. Conner what it is that he wanted for dinner. I told him he could have whatever it was that he wanted for dinner. Skies the limit. Nate was out and about tonight, so I wanted to make tonight a "night-in-with-mom-special."
His response did not surprise me too much.
He told me he wanted cupcakes for dinner.
Seriously, what kid does not want cupcakes for dinner?
Instantly my brain starts swarming with possibilities. Carrot cake, banana muffins, zucchini bread... what kind of vegetable/fruit "cupcake" could I concoct and serve for dinner? How on earth could I make this meal somewhat decent while simultaneously avoided the before-bedtime-sugar-rush?
The brown bananas on the counter solve the dilemma and we are soaring through the motions of creating dinner while Colton is screaming in the high chair. Screaming. Poor little teething Colton who only wants to be held was not too excited that the creation of cupcakes were limiting my ability to hold him while creating dinner. He would of preferred hot dogs, green smoothies, or left-over pancakes, otherwise known as "one-arm-meals" at our house. Out of desperation, I drop down on my knees and beg Caleb to entertain his brother while I finished making dinner with promises of extra bedtime stories. Obediently, Caleb entertains Colton in his own little way. Faces, silly noises, and games of peek-a-boo surround me. Everyone is finally happy.
Deep breathe.
Frantically tossing cupcake liners into cupcake pans, I realize how quiet the house is. Caleb has disappeared into the bathroom, Conner is in bummer-time for screaming his lungs out while I was on the phone, and Colton is surprisingly happy. Everything seems somewhat peaceful. I continue the motions of tossing pans into the oven when I begin to wonder what on Earth could possibly be keeping Colton happy and content in his high chair.
I dared to look up.
I really wish I hadn't.
Smart Balance Spread.
Otherwise known as butter.
Butter is what Caleb decided to give his brother to keep him entertained.
And Colton was very very happy to smear that chunky, creamy, cold, greasy spread all over his face, hands, and tongue. He very much liked the texture and taste of this new food alternative.
Looking at my greasy baby and my messy kitchen, I had a choice to make.
What to clean first - kitchen or baby?
Let's just say that Colton enjoyed a couple of fistfuls of butter for dinner and my dishes got done. Baby clean, cupcakes for dinner, everyone is happy once again. And who wouldn't be? Our tummies were filled with amazing banana "cupcakes" and everything in the world had gone back to being simply wonderful again.
Whole Grain Banana Bread "Cupcakes"
1/3 cup butter/smart balance/earth balance - take your pick
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup sucanat (or if you must, brown sugar)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups mushy ripe bananas
1 3/4 cup white whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 cup water
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly grease baking pan/cupcake liners with olive oil spray or butter. Combine flour, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon and mix in a bowl. Set aside. In another large bowl, mix butter, honey, water, and sugar. Beat on high for two minutes. Add eggs and lightly beat until just combined. Mix in bananas and vanilla -- do not overmix. Gradually add flour mixture.
Or, if you are like me, toss all ingredients into your vita-mix/high power blender. Turn it on and blend until smooth. I love my blender.
Pour batter into pans at bake at 325.
52 minutes if using pans, approximately 25 minutes if you are making cupcakes.
Stay close to your oven, you do not want to over bake these.
Remove pan and place on wire rack. Allow time to cool. Enjoy!
After dinner, I learned that I will no longer be needed for my cleaning-the-floor-services.
Colton miraculously played on the floor for a good twenty minutes with an empty water jug and the remnants of his lunch.
Apparently picking up discarded food and placing them in the empty water jug is the new "baby Einstein."
I am willing to consider "sharing" his floor-cleaning-services with the highest bidder. Any takers?
I have never laughed so hard. So funny! I loved reading this one! I laughed so hard my eyes watered.