[things i do not want to forget]

1. I love your squeaky morning smile. Your morning smile is so big that the corners of your mouth squeak. I love it.
2. I love your excitement for life. You are just too excited to join your brothers in play. You are now seven months old and already you are making your way around the house with your adorable baby scoot. We simply can not keep the Lego's away from you.
3. I love that you have a crush on food. You are now eating at least three jars of baby food a day... in addition to eggs, yogurt, cereal, and whatever Caleb decides to stick in your mouth.
4. I love that you love your dad. Your face lights up when he walks in the room, and whenever he is home, you want to be near him.
5. I love that you are beginning to talk. Your first and favorite word is "da-da"... but you are not limited to those two syllables. I am convinced that you are really trying to talk.

1. I love the many hugs and kisses you give me each day. I love elbow kisses, nose kisses, ear kisses, and even chin kisses.
2. I love your excitement to play with your brothers. You are so considerate of Conner and especially Colton.
3. I love you for the moments you make us laugh. You are the entertainer at breakfast, lunch, and dinner with your cross-eyed faces and spider-man/Santa Claus/dog/monkey impersonations.
4. I love that you always carry a toy around with you. Where ever we go, you always have to bring a toy... for both hands.
5. I love all of the new words you are starting to say. Words can not express how fun it is to have conversations with you.
6. I love that you always stick your tongue out when concentrating... just like dad.

1. I love your sensitivity. You are always very eager to help take care of your brothers and assist me with chores around the house. You constantly say things like: "I do not want to take a nap, I just want to stay up and help you." You are my number one helper.
2. I love that I can get you to do almost anything by motivating you with farts. If there is ever anything you do not want to do the thought of a "fart that will rock the house" gets you to comply. I know that I should not be bribing you with farts... but really, it works so well that I can not resist.
3. I love your sense of humor. Conner, you already tell the funniest jokes and have the best comments. I love that you are trying to determine how much I can hear when you talk quietly with statements like: "hey mom, you can not hear me when I talk like this" and "if you do not want me to wrestle Caleb, we will just go to our room and shut the door so you can not see us wrestle." I love the funny phrases you say like: "Jesus wants me for a sun-pickle" and "I am standing in the cupboard... I am Conner Cupboard!"
4. I love your desire to learn and understand the world. We can not read a book without you asking at least a million questions about the story. I love it. Just last week we picked up some third grade level books from the library about dinosaurs, and you were captivated. We read the books every night for a week, and you still have more questions about why T-Rex has teeth as big as bananas and arms that can not reach his mouth.
5. I love your wisdom and outstanding memory. You never forget anything and you always have a solution to fix any problem.

1. I love you for all the times you let me drink the unsweetened pineapple juice from the can of pineapple. I know that you love the juice just as much as I do. You are always so eager to sacrifice for me. I love you for it.
2. I love you for all the times you put toothpaste on my toothbrush. Every night you surprise me by placing the toothpaste on my toothbrush first. You always put me first. Thank you.
3. I love you for all the times you open doors for me and carry the heavy stuff. Even now that we have three young kids, you still make an effort... and you always carry the heaviest child for me. Thank you.
4. I love you for daily reminders that I am beautiful. I love you.
5. I love you for every kiss, every hug, and every moment you have held my hand. I love you for loving me.
6. I love you for the amazing father you are. Thank you for giving me three beautiful boys.
7. I love you for your dedication to providing for our family. I love you for your eagerness to do whatever it takes to keep me at home with the boys. Thank you.
8. I love you for all your daily encouragements to reach for my dreams.
I am profoundly grateful to be loved by these four boys.

So sweet. That will be a wonderful entry to look back on a few years down the road!