Conner asked for his first photography lesson this morning. Amid the chaos, dirty faces, and unkempt hair - we started clicking away. The evident unfolded laundry and messy faces made me uncomfortable.

As we started reviewing the pictures Conner took, his pride was evident. Scrolling through the pictures again and again, I realized that he had taken pictures of things he loved. Regardless of the imperfect surroundings, he captured the love he has for his family.

Conner taught me today that love and beauty can be found among the evident imperfect situations... and sometimes the imperfections are beautiful.

I love my crazy imperfect life and my husband/kids that love me regardless of my own imperfections... their love makes my life beautiful.
Love your blog! Love your pictures. Conner you did such a great job taking pictures. Caleb I loved the picture of you on the rocking horse. Colton I love your smile. You guys are so cute! Love Grandma