this cowboy is hard at work today.
Notes from the week:
Monday was a whirlwind that had me in tears. A very kind friend stepped in to help me pick up the pieces with big yellow pancakes for the kids, a listening ear, and movies to last the rest of the week. I am so grateful for friends who lift me when I need help.
Tuesday I spent the entire day washing bedding. A big deal. I have since washed it all again. I commit to never washing bedding unless it absolutely has to be washed.
Wednesday I signed Conner up for his first soccer team. Wow. My little boy is big enough to play soccer. I also took the kids clothes shopping with me. The older boys were amazingly good, thanks to an entire box of Altoids. Colton was great until he pooped and his diaper leaked all over me. We ate a gourmet chocolate bar and sat on the grass because it was a beautiful day and Conner and I had a very intense discussion about handbags.
Thursday I resolved to getting organized again. Until I read this blog post, and then I decided to spend the entire day being completely unproductive. It was great.
Friday two words. Potty. Training.
I also acknowledge that today is Friday and I had started a "be a better mom" series on Fridays. But honestly, any creative juice is dried up with sure exhaustion and carpet cleaner.

Isn't my juice drinking cowboy cute??
Finally, at the risk of feeling extremely vulnerable, I want to express gratitude for you.
I love being a mom to three young boys, but at times it is lonely.
Lonely in a sense that my boys consume everything I have to offer... and I often feel guilty that I can not do or be more for others.
I am grateful for the times you listen to me, read my blog, and offer support.
Thank you for supporting me and helping me along the way.
I wouldn't be the mom I am without you.
Thank you.
The dreaded potty training....ahhh! I don't look forward to that again. Hopefully he figures it out quick!
ReplyDeleteMiss Ange... I love you. I miss you. And you are completely nuts. :) You are an AMAZING, WONDERFUL, ADMIRABLE, mother. Yes it's great to always try to be better, but dang girl! You're already leaps and bounds ahead of the game, you've got to slow down to let folks like ME catch up! ;)