Newborn baby toes, the scent of their fragile heads, and the sweet sounds they make when they sleep. Crisp pages of a new book searing with adventure. Yum. Two of my favorite things. Nothing in the world competes with holding your newborn and reading an amazing book for the first time.
Because my soon-to-be-newborn is not ready to greet the world, I decided to put together a book baby count down. The goal? One to two books a week until baby girl is born.
I can think of no greater way to spend the last nine weeks of pregnancy.
Book Baby Count Down
Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen
Cold Comfort Farmby Stella Gibbons
A Countess Below Stairsby Eva Ibboston
A Noble Groomby Jody Hedlund
Moonlight Masqueradeby Ruth Axtell
Love in the Balanceby Regina Jennings
I Capture the Castleby Dodie Smith
- Sixty Acres and a Bride
by Regina Jennings
Be Still My Soulby Joanne Bischof
Janitorsby Tyler Whitesides
Undeniably Yoursby Becky Wade
Catch a Falling Starby Beth Vogt
Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmedby Glennon Melton
Parlor Games by Maryka BiaggioDaring Greatly by Brene Brown
Pride and Prejudice made me smile... again. "There will be no butter in Hell!" Simply put, Cold Comfort Farm was amazing. A Countess Below Stairs - amazing. A Noble Groom? Fantastic. Daring Greatly is my new BFF. Ten pages into Moonlight Masquerade and little boy nap time can not come soon enough. Janitors has been fun to read with the boys at night.
Five books into the count down and I am in Heaven.
I could stay pregnant forever.
Just kidding.
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