There is something so exciting and equally sad about watching your children grow up. On one hand, I want them to remain small forever while on the other hand, I am excited to witness their growth and maturity. I dream of the men they will become while silently holding onto the memory of how small their feet once were.
Graduations from preschool and first grade are big deals at our house. Where have the last seven years gone? I will forever be grateful to the beloved teachers that dedicated their time and energy to my kids over the last nine months. Their influence has had a strong impact upon my family.
For the last year and a half, Caleb has been enrolled in a special speech therapy preschool provided by the school district. Class lasted for an hour once a week with many of our new found friends and our very favorite teachers. As crazy as it sounds, his teachers have become some of my favorite people in the whole wide world. Their dedication, love, and willingness to help my child with one of his weaknesses is very humbling. The one-on-one attention with specific homework exercises for his specific impediments have been amazing. I am truly going to miss them.
Today was our last day of talking time. In celebration, the teachers hosted a pirate day party for the kids.
"Arrr" you serious?
Yes. I am.
Caleb woke up bright and early with a pirate smile spread across his face.
Aye, today be the day he ben long a-waitin' fer.
In addition to awesome speech assistance, talking time always provided me with one-on-one time to craft fun projects with Caleb each and every week. I truly cherish the time I had to sit next to Caleb - with glue sticks in hand - just the two of us.
And because I hoard everything my kids make, here are some of our favorite projects:
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