I am not kidding.
The wind and I are not friends.
We are never seen together if we can avoid it.
So when the wind finally slowed down, it was time to go outside.
I love wind-free-spring-evenings.
There are two fabulous boys (ages 9 and 7) that we are so lucky to know.
I can not say enough nice things about them.
We love them.
So much that Caleb has to kiss them goodnight when they leave.
Tonight they helped my boys sled across the need-to-be-watered lawn.
My boys were beyond happy.
I want to hang onto this simple, ordinary, moment forever.
Life is, after all, comprised of simple ordinary moments. Thousands of them.
Learning to acknowledge the love, joy, and miracle of these very moments involves true creativity.
I want to be more creative.
I love the fact the Caleb will take on the challenge of pulling Conner in the sled. Caleb can do anything he wants! I love Colton's smile. Conner always makes me smile. Hey Angie you are very creative. We all marvel at the fun things you do with your kids. Love you guys!