I love their enthusiasm, their delight, and their passion for life.
I love my boys.
But I got to admit.
Sometimes I wish I had cute little fingernails to paint, little pink tights, and big flower bows to place in long little girl hair.
Today I got a real good look at my toenails. A real good look. Pedicures have not happened for a long time. I've barely had enough time to do the quick thirty-second-paint-job-to-cover-the-fifty-layers-of-cracked-nail-polish as I run out the door for church with the kids. Real pedicure? It has been MONTHS.
As I looked at my toes, I dreamed about how nice it would be to do a pedicure foot bath in a quiet house with everyone asleep at two in the afternoon... maybe with a little girl one day if I am lucky.
Then I thought - "hey, boys need pampering too!"
So, I pulled out the foot mask, the bubbly foot bombs, and the lotion.
We headed outside with books, snacks, and toys.
We masked up the feet.
Rinsed the feet.
After which the feet were too clean so the boys had to march around in the mud.
Then soaked our feet in bubbly water.
It was kinda chaotic.
My feet are still un-pedicured.
But it was fun.
I may not get to paint my little boy's fingernails pink... but I plan to enjoy every little "girl" moment I can with them. Because every little boy needs pampering, almost as much as every mom needs a "little girl" moment.
ok, so before you up and move and leave us...i say for 1 hour i watch all the boys and you can have some fun "girl time" with Kaeli...surely you can't pass that up! :)