Caleb is not a boy of many words.
He prefers to communicate his needs with his body.
When thirsty, the Caleb communication style requires the demonstration of thirst without the use of any words.
Words are for the weak.
Thirst requires defying towering kitchen counters that stand as obstacles. Thirst demands the defiance of gravity. Deliberately the counter must be conquered. Precision is the key. With strategic placement of feet upon corners of drawers and cupboards, the towering counters are overpowered. Once the counters have been subdued, Caleb takes a moment to triumphantly stand upon the counter and gaze down upon his grand accomplishment. Once Caleb's dignity is confirmed, he gingerly saunters towards the cupboard that hold his favorite blue cup hostage.
In a very meticulous fashion, Caleb liberates his prized possession and cautiously squats towards the sink to fill his cup with liquid H20 bliss.
After the demonstration of such fantastic talent, Caleb mounts his feet upon the counter and begins to holler.
He bellows.
He Shrills.
He Yaps.
He Yelps.
Our expert climber is not so savvy when it comes to descending.
In attempt to solve our daily dilemma, communication is honored and rewarded.
After a an entire reward bags of M&M minis, new words are beginning to flow from his mouth. While he constantly surprises us with new words, only a few select words have been esteemed favorites.
Words like:
Moo (milk)
WaWa (water)
MaMa (Mom)
DaDa (Dad)
Baa (ball)
Ba-na-na (banana)
Poo Poo (do I really need to tell you what this one means?)
These are the essential words according to Caleb.
All other words are not worth repeating... can you really blame him??
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