Conner-Bo-Bonner was born to ride.
His bike that is.
With his red alphabet helmet,
and his "rocket ship" bike.
Off to the park he would ride with delight.
In the wee hours of the morning,
or late at night.
In his pajamas or dressed,
it didn't quite matter.
And while our hero played hard at the park,
his bike would sit and wait...
until it got dark.
Faithfully holding the helmet and pink gloves
that belonged to one Conner-Bo-Bonner.

"Finally," the Rocket Ship Bike cries,
"I got out of the garage for a ride.
I sat in there all summer long,
and now that the winter draws nigh,
my owner victoriously claims me his."
For three days, the Conner-Bo-Bonner thought of nothing but bike rides...
Are those really snow clouds in the sky?
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