Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Changes in the Wind

Nate is so busy.

You may have noticed that I have blogged about it a lot lately.

I feel extremely guilty about how heavy his load is. I haven't know how to decrease his load while he is racing towards his dreams.

Because I want his dreams to come to fruition - more than anything else.

Nate has had the dream of running his own business. His business is four years old and growing at rapid rates. He has a large patient clientele. He manages three doctors. Has a very successful online store. We have really been blessed. The ideas and dreams of how to help the business grow are demanding... and quite frankly consume the majority of our time.

Nate also has a passion for education and teaching. His three university teaching jobs make him so happy.

But there is simply too much on his plate.

Something has to change.

Our next big step is big. Our next big step is super exciting. Our next big step decreases the load on our family dramatically. Our next big step puts a smile the size of Texas on my husband's face.

I am super excited about our new adventure.

I can't wait to share the details with you as things start to develop :)

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