The pictures are simple.
Silly really.
First we have Conner.
And Colton.
But one day, the little spiky hair boy wasn't good enough for Colton.
"When I close my eyes I turn into Darth Vadar, Mom." He reminded me over and over and over and over again.
Something had to be done about that. Spiky haired Colton transformed into a helmet wearing man with a Light Saber in hand.
< Insert Darth Vadar theme song here.>
And Carlee?
Well, she looks something like this:
Her image always makes the boys (and Nate) laugh.
I don't get it....

Carlee is too busy eating Conner's math worksheets to notice or even care.

And as an end note, this is how I draw myself.
And like Colton Vadar, I have my own theme song too.
Think Kelly Clarkson's What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger.
When the kids are crying and the dishes are piled high in the sink and when every single toilet in the house is clogged and no one can find a single pair of clean underwear... Kelly Clarkson makes everything all right.
Some days, I am "freakishly" strong.
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