The toilet paper section is where the whole out-of-the-house scenerio began to seriously stink. Carlee wasn't too happy in the baby-carry-wrap and Caleb was frustrated with his situation in the grocery cart when Colton decided it was time to smash his head against the hard concrete floor. The echo of his head was monumental. Why-oh-why do I only have two arms??
Bending down to check Colton's head and eyeballs, Carlee lost it.
Two kids screaming in the grocery store at the same time is not as fun as it looks.
Simultaneously bouncing the seven-week-old-Carlee, holding Colton against my leg, and helping Caleb out of the grocery cart is not relaxing. It is stressful. Quietly, I uttered a prayer of desperation that sounded something like this:
Please. Please. Send me help. I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to venture outside of my house alone. Obviously, I wasn't thinking. I promise to never do it again. Just please send me some help.
Twisting around the corner, Nate's sister Kara appeared out of thin air. Within minutes, the amazing Aunt Kara had put a smile on every one's face once again - including my own. Walking away with cellphones in hand, she promised to answer if an emergency erupted again. Boxes of diapers collided with loaves of bread and packages of raspberries almost tumbled to the ground while we bounced around the store. Thirty seconds later, another friend appeared offering to help. And then while waiting in line, another friend appeared again.
I am amazed at God's generosity.
As I have thought about my grocery store experience, I have been overwhelmed with all the goodness God has sent me.

The cute baby girl toes nails to paint.
The miraculous drive to Wolf Creek Mountain without one solid scream from the little girl that
hates her car seat more than I hate spiders. It made our mini-vacation so much more enjoyable.

A sense of humor to make the rainy days bright.

Football naps in daddy's arms.

Little boy hugs and loves.

The boys that willingly get in and help when I need it.
Sometimes we eat lunch in the van.
And sometimes that lunch is a piece of bread with raspberries smashed in between.
Sometimes homework doesn't happen.
And sometimes we run out of clean underwear.
Life with four kids is sometimes crazy and always beautiful.
With lots of love smashed in between.
And I am grateful for God and His goodness.
He makes life better - all the time.
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