When I was a little girl, I made a promise to myself and my Heavenly Father that I would always choose to pay tithing. It has not always been easy. But I know that when I pay my tithing Heavenly Father will open the windows of Heaven with blessings.
Six years ago, my husband Nathan graduated from Chiropractic College. We moved to Colorado and started our own Chiropractic business. It was really really hard at the beginning… and I love the principle of tithing because I know that it blessed my life during this difficult time in our lives… and I know that it continues to bless us.
Heavenly Father taught me the true principle of tithing one day when our bank account did not have enough money to pay our house payment and tithing. We were faced with a decision… an important decision that was really hard to make. We counseled together and with the Lord. We made the choice to pay tithing.
Our bank account did not magically fill with funds… and it bothered me at first. Heavenly Father, I thought, had promised me that if I always paid tithing, He would open the doors and windows of Heaven and shower down blessings.
I didn’t know it at the time, but Heavenly Father was teaching me that He will open windows and doors… but not in the ways we expect. Two days after we paid tithing, a good friend surprised me with ten large black bags filled with clothing for my kids. Another friend surprised us with extra tomatoes from her garden. And another friend surprised me with toys that her kids no longer needed.
With a lot of hard work, blessings, fasting, and prayer – we were able to obtain the money to pay our tithing and house payment.
The list goes on…
I was humbled to learn that Heavenly Father had made it possible for us to pay our rent and tithing through the service of our friends. Money did not magically appear, but blessings did.
As things in our life became more stable, the economy did not. Our business, despite the many failures of friends, continued to grow. Our bank account continued to grow and the majority of our debts had disappeared. One day when we felt that life had finally become comfortable, God told us it was time to pack our bags and leave everything we had built in Colorado.
At first I was really scared to leave.
It is always scary to make life changes.
But I knew that I could trust God to provide for me and my family because we had always paid our tithing. I want you to know that if you promise your Heavenly Father to always choose the right and pay your tithing, that He will open the doors of Heaven and bless you and your family.
A wise friend used to always say: “You can never get ahead of the Lord.” Every time you make the choice to pay your tithing, God will always bless you.