The freezer was emptied of popsicles.
The cheese crackers had vanished.
And baby CJ was still sleeping after three hours of napping.
We did not know what to do.
We thought about checkers and slap jack and Uno.
And even tried playing the Wii.
Nothing could quite make us happy.... that is until we found the face paint.
Mom painted my face and turned me to bear.
Growling and climbing and making silly faces...
I had so much fun.
Mom painted me king cat for the day.
Meowing and ruling is quite the to-do.
"Mom, do this again tomorrow" was all I could say.
The fun was not quite over yet.
Mom pinned back her bangs.
And handed both bear and king paint brushes and we painted away.
Forget the popsicles, skooters, and friends.
Bring on the face paint, brushes -
and the hour long bath to clean up the paint.
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