There are a lot of things in life that demand my attention.
A lot.
And as I try my best to do it all - I am learning that I do not want to do it all.
I don't want to do everything and be everything.
And I am learning (slowly) to be okay with that.
Learning to slow my life down is hard. The process of readjusting personal expectations and goals can be heart-wrenching. I am learning to say no more often - to myself and others.
Cleaning up my life from non-important commitments and unrealistic expectations is a tough expedition. The more I try to not be everything, the more my brain tells me I should. I really should write more, finish my book, paint my walls, sew that Easter basket, write those notes, return those calls, study my scriptures more, mop my floor daily, scrub those toilets, exercise more often, bake my own bread, fold the laundry, volunteer at school every week, and somehow find time to play with my kids more.
My mental I-should-do-that list distracts me from everything that is waiting at the table for me.
Everything I want and everything I need is waiting for me.
All I have to do is open my heart (and mouth).
Love, magic, and joy await....
but sometimes my eyes are blinded by the "shoulds."
I am beginning to believe that the secret to everything is availability - mentally and emotionally.
I want everything that motherhood has to offer.
I want it smeared all over my face, in my mouth, and deep within my heart.
When a woman understands that one of the greatest gifts she will ever receive from her creator is to have the opportunity to touch eternity through artfully nurturing the mind, heart and soul of a child, whose life will have implications for all of eternity, her life joins in kingdom purposes with God.
- Sally Clarkson
-- I really want to start a Mom Heart group. Anyone seriously interested?
-- I love this post about Quitting. I want to be a quitter.
-- I want more jewels around my neck.
-- And I love this reminder from Thomas S. Monson. I am printing this out and hanging it all over my house. Today.
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