As Colton lovingly holds his Elmo in one hand and builds Lego towers with the other, he randomly stops to embrace his red stuffed friend. While running around the house in a game of tag, he runs with his mouth puckered into a kiss against Mickey's nose. And when wrestle-with-dad-time occurs, he body slams with a Curious George held firmly in one hand.
Colton has a lot of love to share. And as I watch him express his love, I silently pray that his life will be a life that is packed-to-the-brim with unconditional love. A life that is no stranger to the peace, comfort, and joy of love. A life that is full of moments to express and receive love.
And as I silently plead with God to bless this boy - and all my boys - with love, I realize that God has already answered my prayer. The manger that cradled the infant body of the Savior is proof of God's great love for all mankind. God's gift of His son altered the Heavens and Earth with unconditional love. The suffering, atoning, and self-less love of the Savior granted us the ability to stand a little taller and cleaner.
In a world that is broken with sadness, grief, and sorrow the Savior anxiously wants to share His love with those who will believe... because He knows we need it. He stands ready, willing, and able to heal our heart, souls, and minds. All we have to do is ask.
Colton's stuffed friends will one day fade and fall apart. But the love from the Savior will never ever fade and disappear. His love is the one true source that has withstood time, pain, and long suffering. In the words of Jeffery R. Holland, "Christ's love never fails us. Not now, not ever. No, not ever."
And I am so grateful.
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