(yes, this is another car story)
I am preparing to back out of the drive way when a matchbox car comes flying at me from the back of the van and lands in the cup holder.
Normally, such an act would be breaking point for me. An act that would instantly disintegrate my grand plans to leave the house and result in major time outs. Throwing things in the car is never okay and it is never safe.
But today I took a deep breath and calmly asked the mischievous four-year-old (Conner) why he decided to throw a car at me from the back of the van. His response surprised me. Overcome with joy, he celebrated his little victory of scoring a matchbox basket in the cup holder and declared that he did it out of love for me.
Conner went on to say: "Mommy, I was thinking about how much I love you when I threw the car and made the basket. I only made the basket because I was thinking about how much I love you. If I wasn't thinking about how much I love you, I would of missed and not made a basket because thinking about how much I love you helps me make baskets."
He was so excited.
I am so glad I took a deep breath and controlled my temper.
I have pretty darn amazing kids.
We still had a pretty intense discussion about why we do not throw things in the car, but only after I paused my driving to look at him in the eyes and tell him that I love him too.
Being a mom is. the. best.
Smart little kid... He already knows how to push Mom's buttons to stay out of trouble :)