Happiness is found in gluing eyes on bark and watching Caleb carry his "bark friends" around all day. One of them is named "daddy"... I am just not sure which one.
Paint card friends.
Happiness is Caleb re-learning his colors.
Drawing on paint cards.
Happiness is Conner's writing on each card.
Butterfly Walls.
Happiness is displaying the artwork made by my boys.
Baby food jar rainbows.
Happiness is mixing water and colors.
Cardboard Guitars.
Happiness is watching Conner make up his own songs as he plays along with Dad.
Apple-cinnamon-oatmeal baby food.
Happiness is a baby with a full tummy.
Reading books.
Conner today told me that he loves me to the temple and back. Talk about melt my heart.
Happiness is all of this and so much more.
oh my goodness- i'm pretty much obsessed with your blog. you are seriously an amazing mom!