Sunday, July 7, 2013

and someone turned three...

When Colton was a baby, his smile was so big his cheeks would squeak.
Cheek squeaks filled our home with so much joy - morning, day, and night.

Three years later, his cheeks no longer squeak.
But his personality and love bring so much happiness into our daily lives.

Per Colton tradition, his birthday was celebrated with a "sucker cake."

Lots of star wars presents, games, and pretend light saber fights.

And I thought mr. birthday boy would be oh-so-excited to wake from his daily nap in a highly balloon-ed and streamer-ed bed.  He didn't care one bit.  Too excited about his star wars toys.

Next time I will nap during his nap.

June 28th was a happy day for our little three year old.
Love you - Mr. Ceej!

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