Spring break is better than chocolate. Having all three kids home 24 hours a day for seven straight days is absolute bliss. Summer vacation, you can not come soon enough.
Originally, we had planned to venture south with a tent and some sleeping bags and trail mix. But when an awesome chiropractic job dropped into our laps, we rearranged our plans for a very much needed at-home-vacation.
Family room camp outs with sleeping bags, ice cream, slap jack, poop soup, and swimming have made the week fantastic. But that is not what this post is about. This post is about bowling balls and little boys and afternoon dates at BYU.
Conner volunteered to be the photographer while I avoided the collision of bowling balls on my feet. Because when eight pounds of bowling ball land on your toes, it hurts. Period.
Baby CJ rocked the game with 105 points with Conner and Caleb following close behind.

The hardest thing about leaving the bowling alley?
Giving the ultra cool bowling shoes back.
Walmart, you should seriously consider selling toddler sized bowling shoes.
We would be your customers for life.

Bowling dates with my three little misters are the best. Hands down.
And yes - this is my first bowling excursion with all three boys.
Why did I wait seven years?
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