Thursday, November 29, 2012

ms. lee is hot

With elbows propped on the kitchen table his six-year-old head rests in the palm of his hands, his class picture sitting on the table in front of him.

"Dad, come look at this." Conner begs.

Dad walks away from the sink of dirty dishes to take a look.

"Tell me what you see."  Conner says, pointing to the 8x10 collage of classmates.

"I see you and I see your friend Jon and is that Emma?"  Dad says while drying his hands on a towel.

"No, dad.  Tell me what do you see?"  Conner says with his voice slightly rising.

"Okay, I see your teachers and your friends."  Dad says.

"No, dad!  Tell me what you see!!"  Conner's voice is now high, frustration blaring from his nose.

"Okay, okay,"  Dad says slightly baffled, "I see Maya, she has a cute smile and Suzanna's hair is cute and Kyra looks like a fun friend."

"No dad!  What do you see!!"  Conner is now yelling.

"I don't know!  What do you want me to see?!?"  Dad says in return... and let's be honest, his voice is beginning to rise too.

"Look at her.  My teacher.  What do you think?"  Conner says pointing to his twenty-something-single Chinese teacher.

"She looks nice."  Dad says.

"No, Dad.  What do you see?" Conner yells.

Finally, I leave the kitchen sink to look at the picture. 

"Dad, I think Conner is wanting you to say that his Chinese teacher is cute."  I say.

Conner's face turns from pink to red.

"Say it dad."  Conner says shyly.

"No.  She is not as cute as your mom."  Dad says firmly.

"Just say it dad,"  he says.

"No."  Dad says again.

"ms. lee is cute."  I finally say.

End of conversation.
Arguing with a six-year-old about the hotness of his Chinese teacher?
Exhausting :)