It is everywhere.
Six year old, four year old, and two year old.
I'd say I couldn't get enough of it, but that would be a lie.
Time outs don't work.
Spanking (although I hate it) doesn't work.
Mom running out of the house in extreme frustration? Well, at least I am getting some exercise.
Finally, Nate had an idea.
A glorious, brilliant, and highly scientific idea (he is a neuroscientist you know).
If the kids can't behave... well, its high time they spend some quality moments with Oscar the Grouch... in the garbage can. Grouches love company.
We tossed all the parenting books in the recycling bin... and the kids with them.
In Conner's mind, trips to the garbage can are much better than Disney Land.
(And a whole lot cheaper too)
Caleb simply could not get in the can fast enough.
So if you drive past my house and find two little boys in the garbage can...
Don't worry.
I put them there.
... and because I have had a lot of questions about this post...
UPDATE: I would never put my kids in the disgusting dirty full-of-stinky-diapers garbage can. The kids are in the recycling bin... not the garbage can.
UPDATE: Our kids were given a bath with major soap after these pictures were taken.
UPDATE: I like to make up stories.
UPDATE: Nate is worried that our kids will not be able to decipher what is fact and what is fiction when reading this blog.
UPDATE: Nate put the kids in the recycling bin to smash down the boxes. Usually he is the one to climb in.
UPDATE: Our kids are really good and they listen most of the time and I never spank.
UPDATE: I am saving up for therapy. Lots of it.
UPDATE: Conner asked if his friends could come over this afternoon.
UPDATE: He wanted to play in the recycling bin with them.
UPDATE: I told him no.
UPDATE: I grounded him from the recycling bin today.
UPDATE: He is heart-broken.
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