Well, the photo-editing software is still missing.
The basement is still 40% boxes.
But my kitchen was clean!
So today I am going to introduce you to the main floor of the new all-boy-house.
Drum roll please.
When you walk into our house, you are greeted with this:
Have I mentioned how much I love our new family photos taken by my amazing brother-in-law-photographer? I love them.
I love the little half banister that is at the entrance,
the bay window,
and the banister that borders the kitchen.
The playground in the backyard with a sandbox is oh-so-little-boy-wonderful.
And we are so excited about the little basketball court in the backyard.
The kitchen is cute, with plenty of counter space for the bazillion bananas the boys like to eat.
And a cute lovely bar.
Can I say that I LOVE bar-stool eating?
The master bedroom is cute, and we love the four additional bedrooms the home offers. The basement has a very large open family room that has transformed into our projector-movie-theatre room and it still has plenty of room for all the little boy toys. The home has three bathrooms, one large storage room, and an awesome garage with tons of built-in-shelves.
I'm not going to share pictures of bedrooms or the outside of the house because I am one of those paranoid moms who worries about sharing too much information on my blog about where we live. But the house is cute and we love it.
I loved my first house so much. We really put a lot of time into painting, finishing a backyard, completing a basement, and upgrading some of the little things. I loved that house... and I never thought I would love another house as much as I did my first house.
But with every box that I unpack, picture that I hang, and memory that I create in this new house - I am falling in love all over again.
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