I love the deep spiritual significance.
I love the spring time feel.
I love the Easter eggs.
I have secretly been planning Easter baskets, eggs, and activities for months.
I am so excited that it is finally here.
This week the boys and I pulled out all the Easter eggs to practice our egg hunting skills and learn a little about chick-ology 101.
First, we had to build a nest for our eggs
Sheriff Woody was recruited to act as the mama chick.
At first the boys were not too pleased. They wanted to play mama chick. There was quite the debate about whether the sheriff could really keep the eggs warm enough. We eventually had to incorporate many blankets and pillows.
When the conditions were absolutely perfect, the baby chicks emerged from the eggs.
Cute, warm, and hungry.
We were ready to feed their appetites with some tasty worms.
The chicks really like to eat them... and so does Colton.
Such a fun game.
We played it for days.
Eventually, we decided that we needed to make more baby chicks to play with.
I really need to invest in googly eyes.
These baby chicks are a bit older than the "hatching chicks" and they needed a home that was easily transportable.
So, we made a little pet carrier for them.
Caleb loves it.
It is like a little suit case that he can carry around with him everywhere.
He had to try it out by going up and down the stairs with it at least a dozen times.
So incredibly fun.
I found packages of eggs for forty cents a pieces at Hobby Lobby. I went a little egg crazy. We are having a lot of fun sorting eggs by their color, hiding eggs with numbers inside and then lining them up in the right order once they are all found, and basic word spelling with letters hidden inside each egg.
My boys are awesome egg finders.
The Easter bunny is going to have to get a little creative this year.
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