Desperately wanting to impress this brown-eyed hottie, I started my own joke collection. I purchased multiple packages of the sticky Laffy Taffy candy to only discard the sweets and keep the jokes. Pretty soon, I had my own joke collection that won the heart of my curly haired jokester.
Caleb has this thing for toys. We can not leave the house without a favorite toy (or two) in hand. All too often, Caleb becomes frustrated with his two small hands and their inability to carry fifty toys at once. The world might as well end in these hours of complete desperation.
In honor of my Laffy Taffy history- What do an Altoids box and sock have in common?
They both carry toys!
Caleb has solved his inability to transport all his toys at once with socks and Altoids boxes.
How many cars can fit in a mommy sock? Six or Seven.
How many marker lids fit in an Altoids box? Five to Six.
Problem Solved. Joke told. The End. This princess is living happily ever after with her joke telling prince, three adorable boys, and an array of marker lids.
Thank you Laffy Taffy. I owe you... so much.
Oh Angie--This is too familiar. Isaac and Josie are always totting something. They solved it with purses. Josie's purse collection may be seen as vast, but normal (her being a girl) Isaac stole my lovely leather $2 Goodwill purse and will not give it back, no matter how hard I try to reclaim it. I love the picture with this blog!
ReplyDeleteAmbra - how funny is that. Conner actually tried to claim my purse today with the argument that I never use it... which I don't thanks to the bulky diaper bag! I might just go check out the purse selection at goodwill for Conner and Caleb :)