Let me rephrase that. Breakfast time is a happy time for our family after Caleb has satisfied his hunger. Caleb is our little fire breathing dragon that threatens to destroy all forms of humanity every morning if his hunger requests are not fully quenched.
I bet you didn't know that the dynamic duo of "Nate and Angie" save the world from utter destruction every morning... did you? Any issues of global security are solved in less than ten minutes flat - I'd like to see you beat that, Mr. Jack Bauer!
After Caleb's stomach has had it's fill, our dragon transforms into a friendly little toddler who loves to entertain. I think the carrot juice mustache makes these pictures so much more enjoyable!
Trivia Question For The Day:
How many bowls does the Caleb Dragon need every morning to fulfill his hunger?
I love breakfast time.
I love my boys.
I love that Nate is always around in the morning to help me feed our little dragon.
I love my boys.
I love that Nate is always around in the morning to help me feed our little dragon.
at least he eats! every meal is a battle to get Shazer to eat in less than 30 minutes. dinner takes him at least an hour! we have to talk him into eating SOMETHING for breakfast or else he wouldn't eat in the morning at all! Merla, on the other hand... she eats like 4 bowls of cereal then wants mine when she's done!