The Snowman, Conner's imaginary friend, is the newest edition to our family. This snowman has special powers, he never breaks a sweat or starts to melt. He plays with us at home, at the park, and even in the car. The snowman is even put in "bummer time" when he hits, yells, or throws food. Conner even loves to help the snowman use the potty. To use the potty, Conner helps the snowman pull down his pants, he then lifts the snowman onto the potty, and even helps the snowman "aim". Tonight Conner was frantic because the Snowman's pee-pee was all over the bathroom, we had to get rags and clean it up! We love our imaginary Snowman friend!
Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman
Once there was a snowman who loved the Conner-man
Conner likes to play with him
play with him
play with him
Conner likes to play with him
all day long