Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day.... From Our Bathroom to Yours :)

Instead of painting our walls green this year, we decided to have a potty party in our bathroom... Yes, a potty party! Our cute little Conner-man has decided that it is time to ditch the diapers and bring on the big boy underpants.

At first, Conner was not too excited about wearing the underpants... that is when Nate and I pulled out the big guns... we knew that Conner could not resist WALL-E underpants. I am so grateful that Pixar has underpants :) Once those underpants were on, there was no going back. Conner is now TOO big for those diapers :) I love that Conner loves WALL-E :)

Yesterday, was full of accidents. Finally today - he used the potty! We could not be more proud!

The best part of potty training is the rewards. Each time Conner tries to use the potty he gets one M&M, when he successfully urinates in the potty he gets two M&M's, and when he goes #2 he gets four M&M's.

The great part about the reward system is that Conner makes sure Nate and I get rewards for using the potty. I have never been more proud or grateful for my ability to use that potty... I love M&M's. If you need an M&M fix, come on over and use our potty... Conner will be so excited to give you a treat :)

-- Update from the potty room at 9:20 pm. Conner has now successfully used the potty four times tonight! He was ready to go to bed and asked to go potty... at first, I thought he was just trying to procrastinate bed time. He went once, got up, and then asked to go again, and again, and again! I am so excited... this is seriously better than sliced bread :)

1 comment:

  1. I want an M&M but I don't think i'll be able to hold it for the 13 hour drive to CO. :-) atta boy Conner. :-)
