Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Conner

A couple weeks ago, I woke up from a nap to hear Nate teaching the phrase "mommys hot" to Conner. I quickly tried to combat this phrase by teaching Conner to say "daddys hot".

I feel much more comfortable with Conner saying "dads hot" at church or playgroups rather than the alternative phrase of "moms hot".

Nate did not agree. Whenever Conner would say "dads hot" he would quickly say "no, moms hot"... I reacted the same way with a quick "no, dads hot".

At church on Sunday, I was asked to help in the nursery for the third hour. I was MORTIFIED to hear Conner say clear as day "mommys hot... no, daddys hot... no, mommys hot... no, daddys hot".
The nursery leader quickly looked at me and asked me what he was saying. I lied. I said that I had no idea what he was saying... sorry Kim :)

On the way home from church, I immediately addressed this situation with Nate and the fact that we have a parrot for a toddler. He did not find any humiliation in this situation but rather praised Conner and once again said "mommys hot". YIKES!


  1. haha! Reading that gave me a pretty good laugh! I had to share it with my mom it was so funny. It's too late to worry about...now you have to just laugh! Trent does the same thing with Zack, it drives me nuts!

  2. We know what his next phrase will be. :-)

  3. I would not be embarrassed - but you need to go by what you feel and not what other people think :)

    By the way- - you have officially been tagged. All the details are on my blog, of course!

  4. I think it's awesome! I think it's really cute Nate was teaching Conner that. He's a kid-he can repeat things like that and it's really cute! I say just enjoy it! It's how every wife/mother wants her husband to still see her--as hot--even if your toddler is the one repeating it. :)
