In addition to running his own chiropractic business - Nate also teaches Anatomy and Physiology part-time at the community college. Yesterday as he went to go help one of his adult college students with a microscope, the student looked at him and said, "You smell like a Band-Aid." How do you respond to a comment like that? A simple "thanks" does not quite cut it :)
This whole topic has inspired some real deep reflection on my part. If I could be any type of Band-Aid... which type would I be, and how would I want to smell??
The little girl inside of me demands that I be a "bright pink Band-Aid decorated with Barbie" while the Mom inside of me screams for Pixar "Cars" or "Nemo" to occupy Conner - then he would really think I was cool... while the adult quietly and maturely asks to be an "invisible Band-Aid" to quietly blend in with the crowd and better observe the lives of others. As for the smell - all three agree on wanting to smell like ice cream decorated with Oreos..
You know, come to think of it, when Nate and I were driving the moving truck up to Loveland, I did note a bandaid like smell. Or it could have been all the beef jerky we ate. :-)