Monday, February 11, 2008

The Flirt

On Saturday morning, Conner and I helped Nate set up for a business fair. Prior to leaving, Conner ate an entire packet of oatmeal and a banana, his large breakfast assured me that he would be okay without a snack for an hour - so I failed to pack one.

As we were setting up, Conner noticed a lady sitting across the hallway from us. He quickly made eye contact and began playing eye games with her. She played with him and even began to talk to him.

Conner did not show interest in crossing the hall to meet his new friend until she pulled out her breakfast. Once the food was in sight, he ran across the hall. He quickly gave his new friend a big hug, a kiss, and insisted that he sit upon her lap. He then proceeded to eat her breakfast and ask for more!

What a smart funny boy! He has already figured out the tradition many boys uphold of flirting with girls just for the food and goodies. He is definitely wise beyond his years!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!!!!
    Oh, by the by , you guys are going to totaly have a girl.
    No doubt.
    Let us know when you find out.
