Monday, December 2, 2013

carrot induced smiles

"Hey Mom!  I know how to make Carlee smile."  Conner said from his position on the floor next to the baby bouncer.

"Yeah?  How is that?"  I asked, carefully looking up and putting the sharp knife down on the counter.

"Like this.  Hand me a carrot please?"  I practically threw one in his direction.  Conner begging for carrots?  This I had to see.

"You put a carrot in your mouth and chew like this."  He said in between bites.

"Then you open up wide."  He mumbled out behind the large carrot chunks.

I looked at Carlee.

Could it be?  Could she really enjoy the display of Conner's chewing fiesta?

Wait for it...

Yes!  Yes she loves the open-mouth-carrot-chewing display provided by her big brother Conner.
Conner loves to make his sister smile while I am even more excited about his new found respect for carrots.

sports fan

Little Carlee-Q is quite the sports fan.
Who cares about minuscule details like bedtime and sleep?
BYU is playing and dad's arms are awaiting.

Colton Says....

  • Colton has a little crush on a girl named Maggie in his nursery class.  Yesterday, I overhead him singing the words to the song Call Me Maybe by Carly Ray Jepson.  He changed the lyrics to suit his purposes.  In his cute three-year-old voice he sang:  "Hey, I just met you. Here's my number. So call me Maggie."  
  • During prayers one night Colton asked Heavenly Father to bless the disciples on the Death Star.
  • When I was pregnant with Carlee, Colton was pregnant as well.  Sticking his tummy out, He would show off his "baby" for all to see.  Colton's baby has been born.  His baby's name is Water and his nickname is Ice.
  • Water - otherwise known as "Ice" - was baptized this last week.  According to Colton, baby Ice was baptized "in a Banana.